
Prof. Dr. Volker Sieber
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Rector TUMCS
- Head of Chair
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-300
- Email:
- sieber@tum.de

Anna Kronewald
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Team Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 307
- Email:
- anna.kronewald@tum.de
Research Assistants and Doctoral Students

Amirhossein Abbasnia, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-344
- Email:
- amirhossein.abbasnia@tum.de
TUM Campus Straubing
Schulgasse 16
94315 Straubing

Dr.-Ing. Ammar Al-Shameri
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Research Fellow
- Groupleader
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-322
- Email:
- a.al-shameri@tum.de

Dr. Sara Arana Pena
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-337
- Email:
- sara.arana@tum.de

Zinnia Dsouza, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-334
- Email:
- zinnia.dsouza@tum.de

Jan-Simon Friedrichs, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-321
- Email:
- jan-simon.friedrichs@tum.de
TUM Campus Straubing
Schulgasse 16
94315 Straubing

Alexander Fuchs, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-320
- Email:
- alex.fuchs@tum.de

Antonio Giustino, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-305
- Email:
- antonio.giustino@tum.de

Jan Grundheber, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-330
- Email:
- jan.grundheber@tum.de

Niklas Hofer, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-269
- Email:
- niklas.hofer@tum.de

Kathrin Hörnschemeyer, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-342
- Email:
- kathrin.hoernschemeyer@tum.de

Tobias Köllen, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 89 289-54209
- Email:
- tobias.koellen@tum.de
TUM Catalytic Research Center
Ernst-Otto-Fischer-Straße 1
85748 Garching
Room: 2018

Viktoria Lehmann, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-325
- Email:
- viktoria.lehmann@tum.de

Dr. Yajing Liu
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-320
- Email:
- yajing.liu@tum.de

Zahabbyia Malubhoy, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-345
- Email:
- z.malubhoy@tum.de
TUM Catalytic Research Center
Ernst-Otto-Fischer-Straße 1
85748 Garching

Matea Marosevic, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-313
- Email:
- matea.marosevic@tum.de
TUM Campus Straubing
Schulgasse 16
94315 Straubing

Franka Matena, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-324
TUM Campus Straubing
Schulgasse 16
94315 Straubing

Marcel Mayer, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-316
- Email:
- ma.mayer@tum.de

Tobias Ostertag, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-315
- Email:
- tobias.ostertag@tum.de

Dr. Enrique Raga Carbajal
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-321
- Email:
- enrique.raga@tum.de
TUM Campus Straubing
Schulgasse 16
94315 Straubing

Maximiliane Rau, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-287
- Email:
- maximiliane.rau@tum.de

Dennis Romeis, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-178
- Email:
- dennis.romeis@tum.de

Dr. Broder Rühmann
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Research Fellow
- Groupleader
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-332
- Email:
- broder.ruehmann@tum.de

Jonathan Scheerer, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-332
- Email:
- jonathan.scheerer@tum.de

Dr. Doris Schieder
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Research Fellow
- Groupleader
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-303
- Email:
- doris.schieder@tum.de

Mayla Schulz, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-340
- Email:
- mayla.schulz@tum.de

Dominik Siebert, M.Sc.
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-317
- Email:
- dominik.siebert@tum.de
Technical Personnel

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Manuel Döring
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Technical Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-319
- Email:
- manuel.doering@tum.de

Magdalena Haslbeck
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Technical Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-327
- Email:
- m.haslbeck@tum.de

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Anja Schmidt
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Technical Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-336
- Email:
- a.v.schmidt@tum.de

Kai Stirnweiß
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Technical Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-337
- Email:
- kai.stirnweiss@tum.de

Lena Würstl
Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Technical Asistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-326
- Email:
- lena.wuerstl@tum.de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schmid |
Daniel Bauer |
Dominik Schwarz |
Herbert Goldinger |
Claudia Nowak |
Steven Koenig |
Tobias Gmelch |
Nadine Sperl |
Michael Loscar |
Jose Guillermo Ortiz Tena |
Ulrike Obst |
Steffen Roth |
Janine Simon |
Lisa Steiner |
Janine Huber |
Karola Wiesmüller |
Fabian Steffler |
Marius Rütering |
Irina Funk |
Hendrik Hohagen |
Alfiya Wohn |
Andre Pick |
Qianqin Zhu |
Nina Rimmel |
Nadine Borst |
Dr. Jörg Carsten |
Ioannis Zachos |
Paul Stockmann |
Dr.-Ing. Sumanth Ranganathan |
Scott Bottoms |
Dr. Joseph Sperl |
Edilberto Medina Cabrera |
Moritz Gansbiller |
Robert Genth |
Samed Güner |
Korbinian Sinzinger |
Dr. Barabra Beer |
Benjamin Begander |
Samuel Sutiono |
Christoph Schilling |
Torben Hüsing |
Johanna Radomski |
Mathilde Steinmaßl |
Okke Melse |
Matthias Steiger |
Tatjana Laudage |
Alexander Benson |
Tristan Rath |
Dr. Luca Schmermund |
Vivian Willers |
Mariko Teshima |
Masoud Babakhani |
Ernesto Rodriguez |
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schmid
- Daniel Bauer
- Dominik Schwarz
- Herbert Goldinger
- Claudia Nowak
- Steven Koenig
- Tobias Gmelch
- Nadine Sperl
- Michael Loscar
- Jose Guillermo Ortiz Tena
- Ulrike Obst
- Steffen Roth
- Janine Simon
- Lisa Steiner
- Janine Huber
- Karola Wiesmüller
- Fabian Steffler
- Marius Rütering
- Irina Funk
- Hendrik Hohagen
- Alfiya Wohn
- Andre Pick
- Qianqin Zhu
- Nina Rimmel
- Nadine Borst
- Dr. Jörg Carsten
- Ioannis Zachos
- Paul Stockmann
- Dr.-Ing. Sumanth Ranganathan
- Scott Bottoms
- Dr. Joseph Sperl
- Edilberto Medina Cabrera
- Moritz Gansbiller
- Robert Genth
- Samed Güner
- Korbinian Sinzinger
- Dr. Barabra Beer
- Benjamin Begander
- Samuel Sutiono
- Christoph Schilling
- Torben Hüsing
- Johanna Radomski
- Mathilde Steinmaßl
- Okke Melse
- Matthias Steiger
- Tatjana Laudage
- Alexander Benson
- Tristan Rath
- Dr. Luca Schmermund
- Vivian Willers
- Mariko Teshima
- Masoud Babakhani
- Ernesto Rodriguez